PRP is short for Platelet-rich plasma. Plasma is the most important component in this treatment due to the fact that it contains special proteins that support the growth of cells. The process of PRP is when we isolate the plasma from your blood and concentrate it so it can than be injected in to any problem area to promote healing.
PRP has been used to treat many different issues such as Hair loss, Tendon Injuries, Acute Injuries, Osteoarthritis, One of the most sought after treatments involving PRP are facials. What makes PRP Facials special? The plasma helps stimulate the cells in your face causing an increase in collagen production. Collagen is one of the main components for healthy hair and skin, PRP Facials tend to leave the client with, Reduced fine lines and wrinkles, Tighter and firmer skin, Enhanced skin tone, and money more benefits.
Once the nurse extracts the blood from your arm it is put into a centrifuge to separate the plasma from the blood, Once this process has been completed the nurse will than draw plasma from the tube into a needle and begin injecting it into the problem areas. After your treatment you must abstain from submerging yourself in water and or participating in any sort of physically demanding activities for about 24 hours.